"Yes! Paranoia Agent, Cowboy Bebop, Lain and Elfenlied, among my favorite songs in general. Baccano! also has an awesome opening song."
"I'm so glad somebody made a list like this! Even though our tastes differ I do wholeheartedly agree about Jet Black...he is incredibly attractive, looove him:)"
"The difference in age and how obvious it is, for some of these is just absurd:P but Alison Lohman should be a posterchild for this...she was also in Sharing the Secret, 21 playing 14 (she did, more o"
"Yes, American top model is shame...but...it's just so fun to watch;) especially considering how over the top everything is."
"She seems versatile:) I've seen a couple of her movies but I definitely want to see more."
"Oh yes, you have two JGL characters, I can't tell you how awesome that is:D but you probably already knowXD We're in agreement about everything, from what I've seen:) also I'm especially glad you inc"
"We agree in many things, especially the comment about Jim Carrey;)"
"I agree, Galadriel is absolutely creepy. Tim Curry is scary in general lol. But I'm still ever so freaked out by Dead Silence, even looking at this pics...soooo scary:( cool list though;)"
"XD hehe, kako je to davno bilo kad je Vlatkica pjevala;P Minea i Tajči njih sam slušala:)"
"1.Satoshi Kon 2.Slobodan Sijan 3.Tim Burton 4.Quentin Tarantino 5.David Fincher 6.Darren Aronofsky 7.Takeshi Kitano 8.Takashi Miike 9.Luc Besson 10.Christopher Nolan"
"1.Joseph Gordon Levitt 2.Johnny Depp 3.Kevin Spacey 4.Geoffrey Rush 5.Colin Firth 6.Eva Green 7.Zooey Deschanel 8.Kate Winslet 9.Helena Bonham Carter 10.Ellen Page"
"Cool list:) Maybe The Social Network? If poets count then maybe Total Eclipse?"
"A cool gay roommate, and esper, Michael Caine, a grinning cat, aliens and an angel. Wow. I'm gonna go vote nowXD"
"Hehe, thanks for mentioning me below that wonderful picture of one of my favorite scenes:D And, I also like D-Gray Man, it's has the most awesome villainsXD"
"Awesome list! There's a significant number of my own favorites here:)"
"I like the people who ended up with the roles, I think they're perfect. And, "he never understood it." what's so complicated :P?"
"Brad JonesXD he made me want to watch salo. But, thankfully, I've only seen a few of these."
"Rocky Horror, Battle Royale...definitely not. Even if a remake is made I'll do what I do with most remakes and even most sequels: Try not to talk about it, pretend it doesn't exist."
"I love(or at least like) all of what I've seen from this list as well. Mainstream movies aren't always awful."